“Would Jesus be a Democrat or a Republican?”
It’s been said that one party is all heart, while the other is all brains. Or, one is the mommy, and one is the daddy. Regardless, politics are politics and they are man-made. I’m also not ruling out some diabolical origins to man’s political structuring, or at the very least I would think there might be a sinister muse in its history.
The short answer is: This is a ridiculous question because the Lord would not get wrapped up into man-made ridiculous politics. He was asked many politically-spirited questions during his time here on earth, to which He gave wonderful answers.
Some would argue that Jesus would actually be a socialist. Well, that’s kind of true. However, His would be a perfect and righteous socialism, based on his grace and mercy. He would be the hub of the wheel. Modern socialists aren't too keen on the idea of Jesus--they tend to believe that only man, and his progressive mindset will be the solution to our ills. But alas, only through HIM would socialism even have a chance, let alone thrive.
-til next time.